
Showing posts from February, 2021

Nippon Misaki Beast Girl

  Designed by David Buttry this time.  It has been quite the Misaki drought. Oh, and this one is soooo cute. But alas, she proved super tricky to obtain.  I do love Misaki and wish we had more options to get her at better prices.  For most, she ended up being close to $200 plus shipping.  While I love her...I am not sure I loved her for $200.  I think she is sold out at most places but I might sit on my hands and see if I can snag her later on. 

W Club 2021 Registration is Open! Upgrade dolls are raising the bar.

  I've gotta say, I was fully expecting to be underwhelmed so it came as a nice surprise that I am finding myself tempted to get all three (plus maybe an extra). I was also expecting either the prices to go way up...or the dolls to get very basic. However, the prices only seem to have gone up a little bit ($140) and the outfits are not basic and come with swell accessories (BAGS!!!). For Elyse especially, this is a deal as we have rarely seen this sculpt in recent years at a price point lower than $175. If you have any interest in collecting Integrity dolls, the club is totally worth it if only to get access to the club dolls which you are guaranteed to be able to obtain without the anxiety-inducing hunt for pre-orders.  Plus there are them or hate them. And news.  And price reductions on some things like the Jem sets (of which more are least three I believe...ouch my wallet).  You can signup until 3/8/21.

Open Editions from Integrity: East 59th Victoire and Meteor Keeki

This is old news at this point...but better late than never. Integrity has announced plans for open edition dolls: meaning, when they sell out, they will get restocked. The started with East 59th and Meteor.  While the idea is admirable in how it takes some of the bloodsport out of acquiring dolls, I don't love the $99 price point.  I assume the whole concept is to make it easier for new collectors to get their hands on the dolls without having to offer your first born to your doll dealer.  I (and others) speculate that this is a clever attempt to draw in the Barbie Silkie crowd who have been left high and dry and eager for a fix. Hence Integrity starting with East 59th as a logical draw. "But Aly, wouldn't Poppy have been a BIGGER draw?" you ask.  Well yes...but it also would have led to a red wedding bloodbath.  I think the choice of East 59th followed by Meteor enabled IT to do a soft rollout of the concept and make sure they didn't kill the website.  ...